
return {
	['伤害吸收'] = 'Absorption',
	['金合欢木按钮'] = 'Acacia Button',
	['金合欢木门'] = 'Acacia Door',
	['金合欢栅栏门'] = 'Acacia Fence Gate',
	['金合欢栅栏'] = 'Acacia Fence',
	['金合欢树叶'] = 'Acacia Leaves',
	['金合欢树苗'] = 'Acacia Sapling',
	['金合欢木活板门'] = 'Acacia Trapdoor',
	['金合欢木'] = 'Acacia Wood',
	['激活铁轨'] = 'Activator Rail',
	['冒险模式'] = 'Adventure Mode',
	['空气'] = 'Air',
	['绒球葱'] = 'Allium',
	['允许和拒绝方块'] = 'Allow and Deny Blocks',
	['允许方块'] = 'Allow Block',
	['紫水晶晶芽'] = 'Amethyst Bud',
	['紫水晶簇'] = 'Amethyst Cluster',
	['紫晶洞'] = 'Amethyst Geode',
	['紫水晶碎片'] = 'Amethyst Shard',
	['远古残骸'] = 'Ancient Debris',
	['安山岩'] = 'Andesite',
	['铁砧'] = 'Anvil',
	['苹果'] = 'Apple',
	['水下速掘'] = 'Aqua Affinity',
	['盔甲架'] = 'Armor Stand',
	['盔甲'] = 'Armor',
	['箭'] = 'Arrow',
	['斧'] = 'Axe',
	['美西螈'] = 'Axolotl',
	['杜鹃花丛'] = 'Azalea',
	['茜草花'] = 'Azure Bluet',
	['烤马铃薯'] = 'Baked Potato',
	['竹子'] = 'Bamboo',
	['节肢杀手'] = 'Bane of Arthropods',
	['旗帜图案'] = 'Banner Pattern',
	['旗帜'] = 'Banner',
	['木桶'] = 'Barrel',
	['屏障'] = 'Barrier',
	['玄武岩'] = 'Basalt',
	['玄武岩三角洲'] = 'Basalt Deltas',
	['堡垒遗迹'] = 'Bastion Remnant',
	['蝙蝠'] = 'Bat',
	['信标'] = 'Beacon',
	['床'] = 'Bed',
	['基岩'] = 'Bedrock',
	['蜜蜂'] = 'Bee',
	['蜂巢'] = 'Bee Nest',
	['蜂箱'] = 'Beehive',
	['甜菜根'] = 'Beetroot',
	['甜菜种子'] = 'Beetroot Seed',
	['甜菜汤'] = 'Beetroot Soup',
	['钟'] = 'Bell',
	['大型垂滴叶'] = 'Big Dripleaf',
	['桦木按钮'] = 'Birch Button',
	['白桦木门'] = 'Birch Door',
	['白桦木栅栏门'] = 'Birch Fence Gate',
	['白桦木栅栏'] = 'Birch Fence',
	['白桦树叶'] = 'Birch Leaves',
	['白桦树苗'] = 'Birch Sapling',
	['桦木活板门'] = 'Birch Trapdoor',
	['白桦木'] = 'Birch Wood',
	['黑色旗帜'] = 'Black Banner',
	['黑色地毯'] = 'Black Carpet',
	['黑色染料'] = 'Black Dye',
	['黑色陶瓦'] = 'Black Terracotta',
	['黑色染色玻璃板'] = 'Black Stained Glass Pane',
	['黑色染色玻璃'] = 'Black Stained Glass',
	['黑色羊毛'] = 'Black Wool',
	['黑石'] = 'Blackstone',
	['黑石台阶'] = 'Blackstone Slab',
	['黑石楼梯'] = 'Blackstone Stairs',
	['黑石墙'] = 'Blackstone Wall',
	['高炉'] = 'Blast Furnace',
	['爆炸保护'] = 'Blast Protection',
	['烈焰粉'] = 'Blaze Powder',
	['烈焰棒'] = 'Blaze Rod',
	['烈焰人'] = 'Blaze',
	['漂白剂'] = 'Bleach',
	['失明'] = 'Blindness',
	['方块'] = 'Block',
	['紫水晶块'] = 'Block of Amethyst',
	['煤炭块'] = 'Block of Coal',
	['铜块'] = 'Block of Copper',
	['钻石块'] = 'Block of Diamond',
	['绿宝石块'] = 'Block of Emerald',
	['金块'] = 'Block of Gold',
	['铁块'] = 'Block of Iron',
	['下界合金块'] = 'Block of Netherite',
	['石英块'] = 'Block of Quartz',
	['红石块'] = 'Block of Redstone',
	['蓝色旗帜'] = 'Blue Banner',
	['蓝色地毯'] = 'Blue Carpet',
	['蓝色染料'] = 'Blue Dye',
	['蓝冰'] = 'Blue Ice',
	['兰花'] = 'Blue Orchid',
	['蓝色陶瓦'] = 'Blue Terracotta',
	['蓝色染色玻璃板'] = 'Blue Stained Glass Pane',
	['蓝色染色玻璃'] = 'Blue Stained Glass',
	['蓝色羊毛'] = 'Blue Wool',
	['船'] = 'Boat',
	['骨块'] = 'Bone Block',
	['骨粉'] = 'Bone Meal',
	['骨头'] = 'Bone',
	['书与笔'] = 'Book and Quill',
	['书'] = 'Book',
	['书架'] = 'Bookshelf',
	['靴子'] = 'Boots',
	['边界'] = 'Border',
	['附魔之瓶'] = "Bottle o' Enchanting",
	['弓'] = 'Bow',
	['碗'] = 'Bowl',
	['脑纹珊瑚'] = 'Brain Coral Block',
	['脑纹珊瑚扇'] = 'Brain Coral Fan',
	['脑纹珊瑚丛'] = 'Brain Coral',
	['面包'] = 'Bread',
	['酿造台'] = 'Brewing Stand',
	['砖楼梯'] = 'Brick Stairs',
	['红砖'] = 'Brick',
	['砖台阶'] = 'Bricks Slab',
	['砖块'] = 'Bricks',
	['棕色旗帜'] = 'Brown Banner',
	['棕色地毯'] = 'Brown Carpet',
	['棕色染料'] = 'Brown Dye',
	['棕色陶瓦'] = 'Brown Terracotta',
	['棕色染色玻璃板'] = 'Brown Stained Glass Pane',
	['棕色染色玻璃'] = 'Brown Stained Glass',
	['棕色羊毛'] = 'Brown Wool',
	['气泡柱'] = 'Bubble Column',
	['气泡珊瑚'] = 'Bubble Coral Block',
	['气泡珊瑚扇'] = 'Bubble Coral Fan',
	['气泡珊瑚丛'] = 'Bubble Coral',
	['紫水晶母岩'] = 'Budding Amethyst',
	['鱼桶'] = 'Bucket of Fish',
	['桶'] = 'Bucket',
	['收纳袋'] = 'Bundle',
	['埋藏的宝藏'] = 'Buried Treasure',
	['按钮'] = 'Button',
	['仙人掌绿'] = 'Cactus Green',
	['仙人掌'] = 'Cactus',
	['蛋糕'] = 'Cake',
	['方解石'] = 'Calcite',
	['相机'] = 'Camera',
	['营火'] = 'Campfire',
	['蜡烛'] = 'Candle',
	['地毯'] = 'Carpet',
	['胡萝卜钓竿'] = 'Carrot on a Stick',
	['胡萝卜'] = 'Carrots',
	['制图台'] = 'Cartography Table',
	['猫'] = 'Cat',
	['炼药锅'] = 'Cauldron',
	['洞穴蜘蛛'] = 'Cave Spider',
	['锁链'] = 'Chain',
	['锁链靴子'] = 'Chainmail Boots',
	['锁链胸甲'] = 'Chainmail Chestplate',
	['锁链头盔'] = 'Chainmail Helmet',
	['锁链护腿'] = 'Chainmail Leggings',
	['黑板'] = 'Chalkboard',
	['引雷'] = 'Channeling',
	['木炭'] = 'Charcoal',
	['箱子'] = 'Chest',
	['胸甲'] = 'Chestplate',
	['鸡'] = 'Chicken',
	['鸡骑士'] = 'Chicken Jockey',
	['錾制深板岩'] = 'Chiseled Deepslate',
	['錾制石英块'] = 'Chiseled Quartz Block',
	['錾制磨制黑石'] = 'Chiseled Polished Blackstone',
	['錾制红砂岩'] = 'Chiseled Red Sandstone',
	['錾制砂岩'] = 'Chiseled Sandstone',
	['錾制石砖'] = 'Chiseled Stone Bricks',
	['紫颂花'] = 'Chorus Flower',
	['紫颂果'] = 'Chorus Fruit',
	['紫颂植物'] = 'Chorus Plant',
	['紫影植物'] = 'Chorus Plant',
	['紫颂树'] = 'Chorus Tree',
	['黏土块'] = 'Clay',
	['黏土球'] = 'Clay Ball',
	['时钟'] = 'Clock',
	['云'] = 'Cloud',
	['煤矿石'] = 'Coal Ore',
	['煤炭'] = 'Coal',
	['砂土'] = 'Coarse Dirt',
	['深板岩圆石'] = 'Cobbled Deepslate',
	['深板岩圆石台阶'] = 'Cobbled Deepslate Slab',
	['深板岩圆石楼梯'] = 'Cobbled Deepslate Stairs',
	['深板岩圆石墙'] = 'Cobbled Deepslate Wall',
	['圆石台阶'] = 'Cobblestone Slab',
	['石楼梯'] = 'Cobblestone Stairs',
	['圆石墙'] = 'Cobblestone Wall',
	['圆石'] = 'Cobblestone',
	['蜘蛛网'] = 'Cobweb',
	['可可豆'] = 'Cocoa Beans',
	['可可果'] = 'Cocoa',
	['鳕鱼'] = 'Cod',
	['彩色火把'] = 'Colored Torch',
	['命令'] = 'Command',
	['命令方块'] = 'Command Block',
	['指南针'] = 'Compass',
	['堆肥桶'] = 'Composter',
	['化合物创建器'] = 'Compound Creator',
	['化合物'] = 'Compounds',
	['混凝土粉末'] = 'Concrete Powder',
	['混凝土'] = 'Concrete',
	['潮涌核心'] = 'Conduit',
	['熟鸡肉'] = 'Cooked Chicken',
	['熟鳕鱼'] = 'Cooked Cod',
	['熟鱼'] = 'Cooked Fish',
	['熟羊肉'] = 'Cooked Mutton',
	['熟猪排'] = 'Cooked Porkchop',
	['熟兔肉'] = 'Cooked Rabbit',
	['熟鲑鱼'] = 'Cooked Salmon',
	['曲奇'] = 'Cookie',
	['铜锭'] = 'Copper Ingot',
	['铜矿石'] = 'Copper Ore',
	['珊瑚块'] = 'Coral Block',
	['珊瑚扇'] = 'Coral Fan',
	['珊瑚礁'] = 'Coral Reef',
	['珊瑚'] = 'Corals',
	['牛'] = 'Cow',
	['裂石砖'] = 'Cracked Stone Bricks',
	['裂纹磨制黑石砖'] = 'Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks',
	['工作台'] = 'Crafting Table',
	['苦力怕的头'] = 'Creeper Head',
	['创造模式'] = 'Creative Mode',
	['苦力怕'] = 'Creeper',
	['绯红木栅栏门'] = 'Crimson Fence Gate',
	['绯红森林'] = 'Crimson Forest',
	['绯红菌类'] = 'Crimson Fungi',
	['绯红菌岩'] = 'Crimson Nylium',
	['绯红菌索'] = 'Crimson Roots',
	['农作物'] = 'Crops',
	['弩'] = 'Crossbow',
	['哭泣的黑曜石'] = 'Crying Obsidian',
	['绑定诅咒'] = 'Curse of Binding',
	['消失诅咒'] = 'Curse of Vanishing',
	['青色旗帜'] = 'Cyan Banner',
	['青色地毯'] = 'Cyan Carpet',
	['青色染料'] = 'Cyan Dye',
	['青色陶瓦'] = 'Cyan Terracotta',
	['青色染色玻璃板'] = 'Cyan Stained Glass Pane',
	['青色染色玻璃'] = 'Cyan Stained Glass',
	['青色羊毛'] = 'Cyan Wool',
	['蒲公英黄'] = 'Dandelion Yellow',
	['蒲公英'] = 'Dandelion',
	['深色橡木按钮'] = 'Dark Oak Button',
	['深色橡木门'] = 'Dark Oak Door',
	['深色橡木栅栏门'] = 'Dark Oak Fence Gate',
	['深色橡木栅栏'] = 'Dark Oak Fence',
	['深色橡树树叶'] = 'Dark Oak Leaves',
	['深色橡树树苗'] = 'Dark Oak Sapling',
	['深色橡木活板门'] = 'Dark Oak Trapdoor',
	['深色橡木'] = 'Dark Oak Wood',
	['暗海晶石台阶'] = 'Dark Prismarine Slab',
	['暗海晶石楼梯'] = 'Dark Prismarine Stairs',
	['暗海晶石'] = 'Dark Prismarine',
	['数据包'] = 'Data Pack',
	['阳光探测器'] = 'Daylight Detector',
	['阳光传感器'] = 'Daylight Sensor',
	['失活的脑纹珊瑚'] = 'Dead Brain Coral Block',
	['失活的脑纹珊瑚扇'] = 'Dead Brain Coral Fan',
	['失活的气泡珊瑚'] = 'Dead Bubble Coral Block',
	['失活的气泡珊瑚扇'] = 'Dead Bubble Coral Fan',
	['枯萎的灌木'] = 'Dead Bush',
	['失活的珊瑚块'] = 'Dead Coral Block',
	['失活的珊瑚扇'] = 'Dead Coral Fans',
	['失活的火珊瑚'] = 'Dead Fire Coral Block',
	['失活的火珊瑚扇'] = 'Dead Fire Coral Fan',
	['失活的鹿角珊瑚'] = 'Dead Horn Coral Block',
	['失活的鹿角珊瑚扇'] = 'Dead Horn Coral Fan',
	['失活的管珊瑚'] = 'Dead Tube Coral Block',
	['失活的管珊瑚扇'] = 'Dead Tube Coral Fan',
	['调试棒'] = 'Debug Stick',
	['拒绝方块'] = 'Deny Block',
	['深海探索者'] = 'Depth Strider',
	['沙漠神殿'] = 'Desert Pyramid',
	['沙漠水井'] = 'Desert Well',
	['探测铁轨'] = 'Detector Rail',
	['钻石斧'] = 'Diamond Axe',
	['钻石靴子'] = 'Diamond Boots',
	['钻石胸甲'] = 'Diamond Chestplate',
	['钻石头盔'] = 'Diamond Helmet',
	['钻石锄'] = 'Diamond Hoe',
	['钻石马铠'] = 'Diamond Horse Armor',
	['钻石护腿'] = 'Diamond Leggings',
	['钻石矿石'] = 'Diamond Ore',
	['钻石镐'] = 'Diamond Pickaxe',
	['钻石锹'] = 'Diamond Shovel',
	['钻石剑'] = 'Diamond Sword',
	['钻石'] = 'Diamond',
	['闪长岩'] = 'Diorite',
	['泥土'] = 'Dirt',
	['发射器'] = 'Dispenser',
	['海豚'] = 'Dolphin',
	['海豚的恩惠'] = 'Dolphin\'s Grace',
	['驴'] = 'Donkey',
	['门'] = 'Door',
	['滴水石块'] = 'Dripstone Block',
	['高草丛'] = 'Tall Grass',
	['龙蛋'] = 'Dragon Egg',
	['龙息'] = "Dragon's Breath",
	['干海带块'] = 'Dried Kelp Block',
	['干海带'] = 'Dried Kelp',
	['投掷器'] = 'Dropper',
	['溺尸'] = 'Drowned',
	['双持'] = 'Dual wielding',
	['地牢'] = 'Dungeon',
	['染料'] = 'Dye',
	['效率'] = 'Efficiency',
	['鸡蛋'] = 'Egg',
	['远古守卫者'] = 'Elder Guardian',
	['元素构造器'] = 'Element Constructor',
	['元素'] = 'Elements',
	['鞘翅'] = 'Elytra',
	['绿宝石矿石'] = 'Emerald Ore',
	['绿宝石'] = 'Emerald',
	['空地图'] = 'Empty Map',
	['附魔书'] = 'Enchanted Book',
	['附魔台'] = 'Enchanting Table',
	['末影水晶'] = 'End Crystal',
	['末地城'] = 'End cities',
	['末地折跃门'] = 'End Gateway',
	['末地折跃门方块'] = 'End Gateway',
	['末地传送门框架'] = 'End Portal Frame',
	['末地传送门'] = 'End Portal',
	['末地传送门方块'] = 'End Portal',
	['末地烛'] = 'End Rod',
	['末地石砖'] = 'End Stone Bricks',
	['末地石'] = 'End Stone',
	['末影箱'] = 'Ender Chest',
	['末影龙'] = 'Ender Dragon',
	['末影珍珠'] = 'Ender Pearl',
	['末影人'] = 'Enderman',
	['末影螨'] = 'Endermite',
	['实体'] = 'Entity',
	['唤魔者'] = 'Evoker',
	['返回传送门'] = 'Exit Portal',
	['经验球'] = 'Experience Orb',
	['探险家地图'] = 'Explorer Map',
	['末影之眼'] = 'Eye of Ender',
	['掉落的方块'] = 'Falling Block',
	['耕地'] = 'Farmland',
	['中毒(致命)'] = 'Fatal Poison',
	['摔落保护'] = 'Feather Falling',
	['羽毛'] = 'Feather',
	['栅栏门'] = 'Fence Gate',
	['栅栏'] = 'Fence',
	['发酵蛛眼'] = 'Fermented Spider Eye',
	['蕨'] = 'Fern',
	['火焰附加'] = 'Fire Aspect',
	['火焰弹'] = 'Fire Charge',
	['火珊瑚'] = 'Fire Coral Block',
	['火珊瑚扇'] = 'Fire Coral Fan',
	['火珊瑚丛'] = 'Fire Coral',
	['火焰保护'] = 'Fire Protection',
	['防火'] = 'Fire Resistance',
	['火'] = 'Fire',
	['火球'] = 'Fireball',
	['烟花火箭'] = 'Firework Rocket',
	['烟火之星'] = 'Firework Star',
	['钓鱼竿'] = 'Fishing Rod',
	['火矢'] = 'Flame',
	['制箭台'] = 'Fletching Table',
	['打火石'] = 'Flint and Steel',
	['燧石'] = 'Flint',
	['盛开的杜鹃花丛'] = 'Flowering Azalea',
	['花盆'] = 'Flower Pot',
	['花'] = 'Flower',
	['时运'] = 'Fortune',
	['化石'] = 'Fossils',
	['狐狸'] = 'Fox',
	['冰霜行者'] = 'Frost Walker',
	['霜冰'] = 'Frosted Ice',
	['菌类'] = 'Fungus',
	['熔炉'] = 'Furnace',
	['恶魂之泪'] = 'Ghast Tear',
	['恶魂'] = 'Ghast',
	['巨人'] = 'Giant',
	['镶金黑石'] = 'Gilded Blackstone',
	['玻璃瓶'] = 'Glass Bottle',
	['玻璃板'] = 'Glass Pane',
	['玻璃'] = 'Glass',
	['带釉陶瓦'] = 'Glazed Terracotta',
	['闪烁的西瓜片'] = 'Glistering Melon Slice',
	['闪烁的西瓜'] = 'Glistering Melon',
	['荧光棒'] = 'Glow Stick',
	['发光的黑曜石'] = 'Glowing Obsidian',
	['荧石粉'] = 'Glowstone Dust',
	['荧石'] = 'Glowstone',
	['发光地衣'] = 'Glow Lichen',
	['荧光墨囊'] = 'Glow Ink Sac',
	['荧光物品展示框'] = 'Glow Item Frame',
	['发光鱿鱼'] = 'Glow Squid',
	['山羊'] = 'Goat',
	['山羊角'] = 'Goat Horn',
	['金马铠'] = 'Gold Horse Armor',
	['金锭'] = 'Gold Ingot',
	['金粒'] = 'Gold Nugget',
	['金矿石'] = 'Gold Ore',
	['金苹果'] = 'Golden Apple',
	['金斧'] = 'Golden Axe',
	['金靴子'] = 'Golden Boots',
	['金胡萝卜'] = 'Golden Carrot',
	['金胸甲'] = 'Golden Chestplate',
	['金头盔'] = 'Golden Helmet',
	['金锄'] = 'Golden Hoe',
	['金护腿'] = 'Golden Leggings',
	['金镐'] = 'Golden Pickaxe',
	['金锹'] = 'Golden Shovel',
	['金剑'] = 'Golden Sword',
	['花岗岩'] = 'Granite',
	['草方块'] = 'Grass Block',
	['草径'] = 'Grass Path',
	['草'] = 'Grass',
	['草丛'] = 'Grass',
	['沙砾'] = 'Gravel',
	['灰色旗帜'] = 'Gray Banner',
	['灰色地毯'] = 'Gray Carpet',
	['灰色染料'] = 'Gray Dye',
	['灰色陶瓦'] = 'Gray Terracotta',
	['灰色染色玻璃板'] = 'Gray Stained Glass Pane',
	['灰色染色玻璃'] = 'Gray Stained Glass',
	['灰色羊毛'] = 'Gray Wool',
	['绿色旗帜'] = 'Green Banner',
	['绿色地毯'] = 'Green Carpet',
	['绿色染料'] = 'Green Dye',
	['绿色陶瓦'] = 'Green Terracotta',
	['绿色染色玻璃板'] = 'Green Stained Glass Pane',
	['绿色染色玻璃'] = 'Green Stained Glass',
	['绿色羊毛'] = 'Green Wool',
	['深板岩'] = 'Deepslate',
	['深板岩砖'] = 'Deepslate Bricks',
	['深板岩砖台阶'] = 'Deepslate Brick Slab',
	['深板岩砖楼梯'] = 'Deepslate Brick Stairs',
	['深板岩砖墙'] = 'Deepslate Brick Wall',
	['深板岩瓦'] = 'Deepslate Tiles',
	['深板岩瓦台阶'] = 'Deepslate Tile Slab',
	['深板岩瓦楼梯'] = 'Deepslate Tile Stairs',
	['深板岩瓦墙'] = 'Deepslate Tile Wall',
	['深层金矿石'] = 'Deepslate Gold Ore',
	['深层铁矿石'] = 'Deepslate Iron Ore',
	['深层钻石矿石'] = 'Deepslate Diamond Ore',
	['深层红石矿石'] = 'Deepslate Redstone Ore',
	['深层青金石矿石'] = 'Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore',
	['砂轮'] = 'Grindstone',
	['守卫者'] = 'Guardian',
	['火药'] = 'Gunpowder',
	['垂根'] = 'Hanging Roots',
	['极限模式'] = 'Hardcore Mode',
	['强化玻璃板'] = 'Hardened Glass Pane',
	['强化玻璃'] = 'Hardened Glass',
	['急迫'] = 'Haste',
	['干草块'] = 'Hay Bale',
	['头颅'] = 'Head',
	['生命提升'] = 'Health Boost',
	['海洋之心'] = 'Heart of the Sea',
	['加热块'] = 'Heat Block',
	['重质测重压力板'] = 'Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate',
	['头盔'] = 'Helmet',
	['锄'] = 'Hoe',
	['疣猪兽'] = 'Hoglin',
	['蜂蜜瓶'] = 'Honey Bottle',
	['蜂蜜块'] = 'Honey Block',
	['蜜脾'] = 'Honeycomb',
	['蜜脾块'] = 'Honeycomb Block',
	['漏斗'] = 'Hopper',
	['鹿角珊瑚'] = 'Horn Coral Block',
	['鹿角珊瑚扇'] = 'Horn Coral Fan',
	['鹿角珊瑚丛'] = 'Horn Coral',
	['马铠'] = 'Horse Armor',
	['马'] = 'Horse',
	['巨型蘑菇'] = 'Huge Mushroom',
	['饥饿'] = 'Hunger',
	['尸壳'] = 'Husk',
	['冰'] = 'Ice',
	['冰弹'] = 'Ice Bomb',
	['雪屋'] = 'Igloo',
	['幻术师'] = 'Illusioner',
	['穿刺'] = 'Impaling',
	['被虫蚀的方块'] = 'Infested Block',
	['无限'] = 'Infinity',
	['墨囊'] = 'Ink Sac',
	['瞬间伤害'] = 'Instant Damage',
	['瞬间治疗'] = 'Instant Health',
	['隐身'] = 'Invisibility',
	['隐形的基岩'] = 'Invisible Bedrock',
	['铁斧'] = 'Iron Axe',
	['铁栏杆'] = 'Iron Bars',
	['铁靴子'] = 'Iron Boots',
	['铁胸甲'] = 'Iron Chestplate',
	['铁门'] = 'Iron Door',
	['铁傀儡'] = 'Iron Golem',
	['铁头盔'] = 'Iron Helmet',
	['铁锄'] = 'Iron Hoe',
	['铁马铠'] = 'Iron Horse Armor',
	['铁锭'] = 'Iron Ingot',
	['铁护腿'] = 'Iron Leggings',
	['铁粒'] = 'Iron Nugget',
	['铁矿石'] = 'Iron Ore',
	['铁镐'] = 'Iron Pickaxe',
	['铁锹'] = 'Iron Shovel',
	['铁剑'] = 'Iron Sword',
	['铁活板门'] = 'Iron Trapdoor',
	['物品展示框'] = 'Item Frame',
	['物品'] = 'Item',
	['南瓜灯'] = "Jack o'Lantern",
	['拼图方块'] = "Jigsaw Block",
	['唱片机'] = 'Jukebox',
	['跳跃提升'] = 'Jump Boost',
	['丛林木按钮'] = 'Jungle Button',
	['丛林木门'] = 'Jungle Door',
	['丛林木栅栏门'] = 'Jungle Fence Gate',
	['丛林木栅栏'] = 'Jungle Fence',
	['丛林树叶'] = 'Jungle Leaves',
	['丛林神庙'] = 'Jungle Pyramid',
	['丛林树苗'] = 'Jungle Sapling',
	['丛林木活板门'] = 'Jungle Trapdoor',
	['丛林木'] = 'Jungle Wood',
	['海带'] = 'Kelp',
	['击退'] = 'Knockback',
	['知识之书'] = 'Knowledge Book',
	['实验台'] = 'Lab Table',
	['梯子'] = 'Ladder',
	['灯笼'] = 'Lantern',
	['青金石块'] = 'Lapis Lazuli Block',
	['青金石矿石'] = 'Lapis Lazuli Ore',
	['青金石'] = 'Lapis Lazuli',
	['大型蕨'] = 'Large Fern',
	['熔岩桶'] = 'Lava Bucket',
	['熔岩'] = 'Lava',
	['拴绳'] = 'Lead',
	['皮革靴子'] = 'Leather Boots',
	['皮革帽子'] = 'Leather Cap',
	['皮革裤子'] = 'Leather Pants',
	['皮革外套'] = 'Leather Tunic',
	['皮革'] = 'Leather',
	['树叶'] = 'Leaves',
	['讲台'] = 'Lectern',
	['护腿'] = 'Leggings',
	['拉杆'] = 'Lever',
	['飘浮'] = 'Levitation',
	['亮度'] = 'Light',
	['光源方块'] = 'Light Block',
	['淡蓝色旗帜'] = 'Light Blue Banner',
	['淡蓝色地毯'] = 'Light Blue Carpet',
	['淡蓝色染料'] = 'Light Blue Dye',
	['淡蓝色陶瓦'] = 'Light Blue Terracotta',
	['淡蓝色染色玻璃板'] = 'Light Blue Stained Glass Pane',
	['淡蓝色染色玻璃'] = 'Light Blue Stained Glass',
	['淡蓝色羊毛'] = 'Light Blue Wool',
	['淡灰色旗帜'] = 'Light Gray Banner',
	['淡灰色地毯'] = 'Light Gray Carpet',
	['淡灰色染料'] = 'Light Gray Dye',
	['淡灰色陶瓦'] = 'Light Gray Terracotta',
	['淡灰色染色玻璃板'] = 'Light Gray Stained Glass Pane',
	['淡灰色染色玻璃'] = 'Light Gray Stained Glass',
	['淡灰色羊毛'] = 'Light Gray Wool',
	['轻质测重压力板'] = 'Light Weighted Pressure Plate',
	['避雷针'] = 'Lightning Rod',
	['丁香'] = 'Lilac',
	['睡莲'] = 'Lily Pad',
	['黄绿色旗帜'] = 'Lime Banner',
	['黄绿色地毯'] = 'Lime Carpet',
	['黄绿色染料'] = 'Lime Dye',
	['黄绿色陶瓦'] = 'Lime Terracotta',
	['黄绿色染色玻璃板'] = 'Lime Stained Glass Pane',
	['黄绿色染色玻璃'] = 'Lime Stained Glass',
	['黄绿色羊毛'] = 'Lime Wool',
	['滞留药水'] = 'Lingering Potion',
	['液体'] = 'Liquid',
	['羊驼'] = 'Llamas',
	['上锁的箱子'] = 'Locked Chest',
	['磁石'] = 'Lodestone',
	['原木'] = 'Log',
	['织布机'] = 'Loom',
	['抢夺'] = 'Looting',
	['忠诚'] = 'Loyalty',
	['海之眷顾'] = 'Luck of the Sea',
	['饵钓'] = 'Lure',
	['品红色旗帜'] = 'Magenta Banner',
	['品红色地毯'] = 'Magenta Carpet',
	['品红色染料'] = 'Magenta Dye',
	['品红色陶瓦'] = 'Magenta Terracotta',
	['品红色染色玻璃板'] = 'Magenta Stained Glass Pane',
	['品红色染色玻璃'] = 'Magenta Stained Glass',
	['品红色羊毛'] = 'Magenta Wool',
	['岩浆块'] = 'Magma Block',
	['岩浆膏'] = 'Magma Cream',
	['岩浆怪'] = 'Magma Cube',
	['地图'] = 'Map',
	['材料分解器'] = 'Material Reducer',
	['药物'] = 'Medicines',
	['西瓜种子'] = 'Melon Seeds',
	['西瓜片'] = 'Melon Slice',
	['西瓜'] = 'Melon',
	['经验修补'] = 'Mending',
	['牛奶'] = 'Milk',
	['牛奶桶'] = 'Milk Bucket',
	['运输矿车'] = 'Minecart with Chest',
	['矿车'] = 'Minecart',
	['命令方块矿车'] = 'Minecart with Command Block',
	['动力矿车'] = 'Minecart with Furnace',
	['漏斗矿车'] = 'Minecart with Hopper',
	['刷怪笼矿车'] = 'Minecart with Spawner',
	['TNT矿车'] = 'Minecart with TNT',
	['废弃矿井'] = 'Mineshaft',
	['挖掘疲劳'] = 'Mining Fatigue',
	['生物头颅'] = 'Mob Head',
	['生物'] = 'Mob',
	['怪物'] = 'Monster',
	['月亮'] = 'Moon',
	['哞菇'] = 'Mooshroom',
	['苔藓块'] = 'Moss Block',
	['苔藓地毯'] = 'Moss Carpet',
	['苔石'] = 'Mossy Cobbletone',
	['苔石墙'] = 'Mossy Cobblestone Wall',
	['苔石砖'] = 'Mossy Stone Bricks',
	['移动的活塞'] = 'Moving Piston',
	['骡'] = 'Mule',
	['多重射击'] = 'Multishot',
	['蘑菇方块'] = 'Mushroom Blocks',
	['蘑菇煲'] = 'Mushroom Stew',
	['蘑菇'] = 'Mushroom',
	['音乐唱片'] = 'Music Disc',
	['菌丝'] = 'Mycelium',
	['命名牌'] = 'Name Tag',
	['反胃'] = 'Nausea',
	['鹦鹉螺壳'] = 'Nautilus Shell',
	['下界砖栅栏'] = 'Nether Brick Fence',
	['下界砖台阶'] = 'Nether Brick Slab',
	['下界砖楼梯'] = 'Nether Brick Stairs',
	['下界砖'] = 'Nether Brick',
	['下界砖块'] = 'Nether Brick',
	['下界要塞'] = 'Nether Fortress',
	['下界化石'] = 'Nether Fossil',
	['下界金矿石'] = 'Nether Gold Ore',
	['下界传送门'] = 'Nether Portal',
	['下界传送门方块'] = 'Nether Portal Block',
	['下界石英矿石'] = 'Nether Quartz Ore',
	['下界石英'] = 'Nether Quartz',
	['下界反应核'] = 'Nether Reactor Core',
	['下界苗'] = 'Nether Sprouts',
	['下界之星'] = 'Nether Star',
	['下界疣'] = 'Nether Wart',
	['下界疣块'] = 'Nether Wart Block',
	['下界荒地'] = 'Nether Wastes',
	['下界合金锭'] = 'Netherite Ingot',
	['下界合金碎片'] = 'Netherite Scrap',
	['下界岩'] = 'Netherrack',
	['夜视'] = 'Night Vision',
	['无效果'] = 'No Effects',
	['音符盒'] = 'Note Block',
	['菌岩'] = 'Nylium',
	['橡木按钮'] = 'Oak Button',
	['橡木门'] = 'Oak Door',
	['橡木栅栏门'] = 'Oak Fence Gate',
	['橡木栅栏'] = 'Oak Fence',
	['橡树树叶'] = 'Oak Leaves',
	['橡树树苗'] = 'Oak Sapling',
	['橡木活板门'] = 'Oak Trapdoor',
	['橡木'] = 'Oak Wood',
	['侦测器'] = 'Observer',
	['黑曜石'] = 'Obsidian',
	['海洋探险家地图'] = 'Ocean Explorer Map',
	['豹猫'] = 'Ocelot',
	['橙色旗帜'] = 'Orange Banner',
	['橙色地毯'] = 'Orange Carpet',
	['橙色染料'] = 'Orange Dye',
	['橙色陶瓦'] = 'Orange Terracotta',
	['橙色染色玻璃板'] = 'Orange Stained Glass Pane',
	['橙色染色玻璃'] = 'Orange Stained Glass',
	['橙色郁金香'] = 'Orange Tulip',
	['橙色羊毛'] = 'Orange Wool',
	['矿石'] = 'Ore',
	['主世界'] = 'Overworld',
	['滨菊'] = 'Oxeye Daisy',
	['浮冰'] = 'Packed Ice',
	['画'] = 'Painting',
	['纸'] = 'Paper',
	['鹦鹉'] = 'Parrot',
	['牡丹'] = 'Peony',
	['幻翼膜'] = 'Phantom Membrane',
	['幻翼'] = 'Phantom',
	['镐'] = 'Pickaxe',
	['猪'] = 'Pig',
	['猪灵'] = 'Piglin',
	['猪灵蛮兵'] = 'Piglin Brute',
	['掠夺者'] = 'Pillager',
	['掠夺者前哨站'] = 'Pillager outpost',
	['石英柱'] = 'Quartz Pillar',
	['快速装填'] = 'Quick Charge',
	['穿透'] = 'Piercing',
	['粉红色旗帜'] = 'Pink Banner',
	['粉红色地毯'] = 'Pink Carpet',
	['粉红色染料'] = 'Pink Dye',
	['粉色陶瓦'] = 'Pink Terracotta',
	['粉红色染色玻璃板'] = 'Pink Stained Glass Pane',
	['粉红色染色玻璃'] = 'Pink Stained Glass',
	['粉红色郁金香'] = 'Pink Tulip',
	['粉红色羊毛'] = 'Pink Wool',
	['活塞'] = 'Piston',
	['活塞头'] = 'Piston Head',
	['植物'] = 'Plant',
	['灰化土'] = 'Podzol',
	['滴水石锥'] = 'Pointed Dripstone',
	['中毒'] = 'Poison',
	['毒马铃薯'] = 'Poisonous Potato',
	['北极熊'] = 'Polar Bear',
	['磨制安山岩'] = 'Polished Andesite',
	['磨制黑石'] = 'Polished Blackstone',
	['磨制黑石砖'] = 'Polished Blackstone Bricks',
	['磨制黑石按钮'] = 'Polished Blackstone Button',
	['磨制黑石压力板'] = 'Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate',
	['磨制黑石台阶'] = 'Polished Blackstone Slab',
	['磨制黑石楼梯'] = 'Polished Blackstone Stairs',
	['磨制黑石墙'] = 'Polished Blackstone Wall',
	['磨制闪长岩'] = 'Polished Diorite',
	['磨制花岗岩'] = 'Polished Granite',
	['磨制深板岩'] = 'Polished Deepslate',
	['磨制深板岩台阶'] = 'Polished Deepslate Slab',
	['磨制深板岩楼梯'] = 'Polished Deepslate Stairs',
	['磨制深板岩墙'] = 'Polished Deepslate Wall',
	['爆裂紫颂果'] = 'Popped Chorus Fruit',
	['虞美人'] = 'Poppy',
	['传送门'] = 'Portal',
	['公文包'] = 'Portfolio',
	['马铃薯'] = 'Potatoes',
	['药水'] = 'Potion',
	['细雪'] = 'Powder Snow',
	['细雪桶'] = 'Powder Snow Bucket',
	['力量(魔咒)'] = 'Power',
	['充能铁轨'] = 'Powered Rail',
	['压力板'] = 'Pressure Plate',
	['海晶石砖台阶'] = 'Prismarine Brick Slab',
	['海晶石砖楼梯'] = 'Prismarine Brick Stairs',
	['海晶石砖'] = 'Prismarine Bricks',
	['海晶砂粒'] = 'Prismarine Crystals',
	['海晶碎片'] = 'Prismarine Shard',
	['海晶石台阶'] = 'Prismarine Slab',
	['海晶石楼梯'] = 'Prismarine Stairs',
	['海晶石'] = 'Prismarine',
	['弹射物保护'] = 'Projectile Protection',
	['保护'] = 'Protection',
	['河豚'] = 'Pufferfish',
	['南瓜派'] = 'Pumpkin Pie',
	['南瓜种子'] = 'Pumpkin Seeds',
	['南瓜'] = 'Pumpkin',
	['冲击'] = 'Punch',
	['紫色旗帜'] = 'Purple Banner',
	['紫色地毯'] = 'Purple Carpet',
	['紫色染料'] = 'Purple Dye',
	['紫色陶瓦'] = 'Purple Terracotta',
	['紫色染色玻璃板'] = 'Purple Stained Glass Pane',
	['紫色染色玻璃'] = 'Purple Stained Glass',
	['紫色羊毛'] = 'Purple Wool',
	['紫珀块'] = 'Purpur Block',
	['紫珀柱'] = 'Purpur Pillar',
	['石英台阶'] = 'Quartz Slab',
	['石英楼梯'] = 'Quartz Stairs',
	['兔子皮'] = 'Rabbit Hide',
	['兔肉煲'] = 'Rabbit Stew',
	['兔子'] = 'Rabbit',
	['兔子脚'] = "Rabbit's Foot",
	['铁轨'] = 'Rail',
	['劫掠兽'] = 'Ravager',
	['生牛肉'] = 'Raw Beef',
	['生鸡肉'] = 'Raw Chicken',
	['生鳕鱼'] = 'Raw Cod',
	['生鱼'] = 'Raw Fish',
	['生羊肉'] = 'Raw Mutton',
	['生猪排'] = 'Raw Porkchop',
	['生兔肉'] = 'Raw Rabbit',
	['生鲑鱼'] = 'Raw Salmon',
	['红色旗帜'] = 'Red Banner',
	['红色地毯'] = 'Red Carpet',
	['红色染料'] = 'Red Dye',
	['红色下界砖'] = 'Red Nether Brick',
	['红沙'] = 'Red Sand',
	['红砂岩台阶'] = 'Red Sandstone Slab',
	['红砂岩楼梯'] = 'Red Sandstone Stairs',
	['红砂岩'] = 'Red Sandstone',
	['红色陶瓦'] = 'Red Terracotta',
	['红色染色玻璃板'] = 'Red Stained Glass Pane',
	['红色染色玻璃'] = 'Red Stained Glass',
	['红色郁金香'] = 'Red Tulip',
	['红色羊毛'] = 'Red Wool',
	['红石比较器'] = 'Redstone Comparator',
	['红石粉'] = 'Redstone Dust',
	['红石灯'] = 'Redstone Lamp',
	['红石矿石'] = 'Redstone Ore',
	['红石中继器'] = 'Redstone Repeater',
	['红石火把'] = 'Redstone Torch',
	['红石'] = 'Redstone',
	['红石线'] = 'Redstone',
	['生命恢复'] = 'Regeneration',
	['抗性提升'] = 'Resistance',
	['重生锚'] = 'Respawn Anchor',
	['水下呼吸'] = 'Respiration',
	['激流'] = 'Riptide',
	['菌索'] = 'Roots',
	['缠根泥土'] = 'Rooted Dirt',
	['玫瑰丛'] = 'Rose Bush',
	['玫瑰红'] = 'Rose Red',
	['腐肉'] = 'Rotten Flesh',
	['红宝石'] = 'Ruby',
	['红宝石矿石'] = 'Ruby Ore',
	['废弃传送门'] = 'Ruined Portal',
	['鞍'] = 'Saddle',
	['鲑鱼'] = 'Salmon',
	['沙子'] = 'Sand',
	['砂岩台阶'] = 'Sandstone Slab',
	['砂岩楼梯'] = 'Sandstone Stairs',
	['砂岩'] = 'Sandstone',
	['树苗'] = 'Sapling',
	['饱和'] = 'Saturation',
	['脚手架'] = 'Scaffolding',
	['海龟壳片'] = 'Scute',
	['鳞甲'] = 'Scute',
	['海草'] = 'Seagrass',
	['海晶灯'] = 'Sea Lantern',
	['海泡菜'] = 'Sea Pickle',
	['小麦种子'] = 'Wheat',
	['锋利'] = 'Sharpness',
	['剪刀'] = 'Shears',
	['羊'] = 'Sheep',
	['盾牌'] = 'Shield',
	['沉船'] = 'Shipwreck',
	['锹'] = 'Shovel',
	['菌光体'] = 'Shroomlight',
	['灌木'] = 'Shrub',
	['潜影箱'] = 'Shulker Box',
	['潜影盒'] = 'Shulker Box',
	['潜影壳'] = 'Shulker Shell',
	['潜影贝'] = 'Shulker',
	['告示牌'] = 'Sign',
	['精准采集'] = 'Silk Touch',
	['蠹虫'] = 'Silverfish',
	['骷髅马'] = 'Skeleton Horse',
	['骷髅头颅'] = 'Skeleton Skull',
	['骷髅'] = 'Skeleton',
	['台阶'] = 'Slab',
	['轻微损坏的铁砧'] = 'Slightly Damaged Anvil',
	['黏液块'] = 'Slime Block',
	['史莱姆'] = 'Slime',
	['黏液球'] = 'Slimeball',
	['缓降'] = 'Slow Falling',
	['缓慢'] = 'Slowness',
	['小型垂滴叶'] = 'Small Dripleaf',
	['小火球'] = 'Small Fireball',
	['亡灵杀手'] = 'Smite',
	['锻造台'] = 'Smithing Table',
	['烟熏炉'] = 'Smoker',
	['平滑红砂岩'] = 'Smooth Red Sandstone',
	['平滑砂岩'] = 'Smooth Sandstone',
	['平滑石头'] = 'Smooth Stone',
	['雪块'] = 'Snow Block',
	['雪傀儡'] = 'Snow Golem',
	['雪'] = 'Snow',
	['雪球'] = 'Snowball',
	['灵魂沙'] = 'Soul Sand',
	['灵魂沙峡谷'] = 'Soul Sand Valley',
	['灵魂土'] = 'Soul Soil',
	['灵魂疾行'] = 'Soul Speed',
	['烟花'] = 'Sparklers',
	['生成'] = 'Spawn',
	['刷怪蛋'] = 'Spawn Egg',
	['刷怪笼'] = 'Spawner',
	['旁观模式'] = 'Spectator Mode',
	['速度'] = 'Speed',
	['蜘蛛'] = 'Spider',
	['蜘蛛眼'] = 'Spider Eye',
	['蜘蛛骑士'] = 'Spider Jockey',
	['喷溅药水'] = 'Splash Potions',
	['海绵'] = 'Sponge',
	['孢子花'] = 'Spore Blossom',
	['疾跑'] = 'Sprinting',
	['云杉木按钮'] = 'Spruce Button',
	['云杉木门'] = 'Spruce Door',
	['云杉木栅栏门'] = 'Spruce Fence Gate',
	['云杉木栅栏'] = 'Spruce Fence',
	['云杉树叶'] = 'Spruce Leaves',
	['云杉树苗'] = 'Spruce Sapling',
	['云杉木活板门'] = 'Spruce Trapdoor',
	['云杉木'] = 'Spruce Wood',
	['望远镜'] = 'Spyglass',
	['鱿鱼'] = 'Squid',
	['染色玻璃板'] = 'Stained Glass Pane',
	['染色玻璃'] = 'Stained Glass',
	['楼梯'] = 'Stair',
	['牛排'] = 'Steak',
	['木棍'] = 'Stick',
	['黏性活塞'] = 'Sticky Piston',
	['石斧'] = 'Stone Axe',
	['石砖楼梯'] = 'Stone Brick Stairs',
	['石砖台阶'] = 'Stone Bricks Slab',
	['石砖'] = 'Stone Bricks',
	['石锄'] = 'Stone Hoe',
	['石镐'] = 'Stone Pickaxe',
	['石质压力板'] = 'Stone Pressure Plate',
	['石锹'] = 'Stone Shovel',
	['石台阶'] = 'Stone Slab',
	['石剑'] = 'Stone Sword',
	['石头'] = 'Stone',
	['切石机'] = 'Stonecutter',
	['流浪者'] = 'Stray',
	['力量(状态效果)'] = 'Strength',
	['炽足兽'] = 'Strider',
	['线'] = 'String',
	['去皮金合欢木'] = 'Stripped Acacia Log',
	['去皮桦木'] = 'Stripped Birch Log',
	['去皮深色橡木'] = 'Stripped Dark Oak Log',
	['去皮丛林木'] = 'Stripped Jungle Log',
	['去皮木头'] = 'Stripped Log',
	['去皮橡木'] = 'Stripped Oak Log',
	['去皮云杉木'] = 'Stripped Spruce Log',
	['结构方块'] = 'Structure Blocks',
	['结构空位'] = 'Structure Void',
	['甘蔗'] = 'Sugar Cane',
	['糖'] = 'Sugar',
	['太阳'] = 'Sun',
	['向日葵'] = 'Sunflower',
	['超级肥料'] = 'Super Fertilizer',
	['迷之炖菜'] = 'Suspicious Stew',
	['生存模式'] = 'Survival Mode',
	['横扫之刃'] = 'Sweeping Edge',
	['甜浆果'] = 'Sweet Berries',
	['甜浆果丛'] = 'Sweet Berry Bush',
	['剑'] = 'Sword',
	['高海草'] = 'Tall Seagrass',
	['标靶'] = 'Target',
	['陶瓦'] = 'Terracotta',
	['末路之地'] = 'The End',
	['杀手兔'] = 'The Killer Bunny',
	['下界'] = 'The Nether',
	['荆棘'] = 'Thorns',
	['遮光玻璃'] = 'Tinted Glass',
	['TNT'] = 'TNT',
	['火把'] = 'Torch',
	['不死图腾'] = 'Totem of Undying',
	['活板门'] = 'Trapdoor',
	['陷阱箱'] = 'Trapped Chest',
	['树木'] = 'Tree',
	['三叉戟'] = 'Trident',
	['绊线钩'] = 'Tripwire Hook',
	['绊线'] = 'Tripwire',
	['热带鱼'] = 'Tropical Fish',
	['管珊瑚'] = 'Tube Coral Block',
	['管珊瑚扇'] = 'Tube Coral Fan',
	['管珊瑚丛'] = 'Tube Coral',
	['凝灰岩'] = 'Tuff',
	['海龟蛋'] = 'Turtle Egg',
	['海龟壳'] = 'Turtle Shell',
	['海龟'] = 'Turtle',
	['缠怨藤'] = 'Twisting Vines',
	['耐久'] = 'Unbreaking',
	['水下TNT'] = 'Underwater TNT',
	['水下火把'] = 'Underwater Torches',
	['严重损坏的铁砧'] = 'Very Damaged Anvil',
	['恼鬼'] = 'Vex',
	['村庄'] = 'Village',
	['村民'] = 'Villager',
	['卫道士'] = 'Vindicator',
	['藤蔓'] = 'Vines',
	['墙'] = 'Wall',
	['流浪商人'] = 'Wandering Trader',
	['诡异木栅栏门'] = 'Warped Fence Gate',
	['诡异森林'] = 'Warped Forest',
	['诡异菌类'] = 'Warped Fungi',
	['诡异菌钓竿'] = 'Warped Fungus on a Stick',
	['诡异菌岩'] = 'Warped Nylium',
	['诡异菌索'] = 'Warped Roots',
	['水'] = 'Water',
	['水瓶'] = 'Water Bottle',
	['水下呼吸'] = 'Water Breathing',
	['水桶'] = 'Water Bucket',
	['虚弱'] = 'Weakness',
	['垂泪藤'] = 'Weeping Vines',
	['测重压力板'] = 'Weighted Pressure Plate',
	['湿海绵'] = 'Wet Sponge',
	['小麦'] = 'Wheat',
	['白色旗帜'] = 'White Banner',
	['白色染料'] = 'White Dye',
	['白色陶瓦'] = 'White Terracotta',
	['白色染色玻璃板'] = 'White Stained Glass Pane',
	['白色染色玻璃'] = 'White Stained Glass',
	['白色郁金香'] = 'White Tulip',
	['女巫'] = 'Witch',
	['凋灵'] = 'Wither',
	['凋零'] = 'Wither',
	['凋灵骷髅'] = 'Wither Skeleton',
	['凋灵骷髅头颅'] = 'Wither Skeleton Skull',
	['狼'] = 'Wolf',
	['木栅栏'] = 'Wood Fence',
	['木板'] = 'Planks',
	['木头'] = 'Wood',
	['木斧'] = 'Wooden Axe',
	['木门'] = 'Wooden Door',
	['木锄'] = 'Wooden Hoe',
	['林地府邸'] = 'Woodland Mansion',
	['木镐'] = 'Wooden Pickaxe',
	['木质压力板'] = 'Wooden Pressure Plate',
	['木锹'] = 'Wooden Shovel',
	['木台阶'] = 'Wooden Slab',
	['木剑'] = 'Wooden Sword',
	['木活板门'] = 'Wooden Trapdoor',
	['林地探险家地图'] = 'Woodland Explorer Map',
	['羊毛'] = 'Wool',
	['成书'] = 'Written Book',
	['黄色旗帜'] = 'Yellow Banner',
	['黄色地毯'] = 'Yellow Carpet',
	['黄色染料'] = 'Yellow Dye',
	['黄色陶瓦'] = 'Yellow Terracotta',
	['黄色染色玻璃板'] = 'Yellow Stained Glass Pane',
	['黄色染色玻璃'] = 'Yellow Stained Glass',
	['黄色羊毛'] = 'Yellow Wool',
	['僵尸疣猪兽'] = 'Zoglin',
	['僵尸'] = 'Zombie',
	['僵尸的头'] = 'Zombie Head',
	['僵尸马'] = 'Zombie Horse',
	['僵尸猪人'] = 'Zombie Pigman',
	['僵尸村民'] = 'Zombie Villager',
	['僵尸猪灵'] = 'Zombified Piglin',
	--[''] = "",