
添加的内容 删除的内容
第698行: 第698行:
background-color: #FFFFFF;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
color: #000000;
color: #000000;

/* [[Template:Keys]], [[Module:Keys]] */
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2021年9月26日 (日) 07:23的版本

 * 这里放置的样式将同时应用到桌面版和移动版视图
 * 仅用于桌面版的样式请放置于[[MediaWiki:Common.css]]和其他皮肤对应样式表内
 * 仅用于移动版的样式请放置于[[MediaWiki:Mobile.css]]

/** Global styles **/
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/** Template stylings **/
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/* history table wrapping issue */
td > code {
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/** Sprite background **/
/* Generic */
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/* [[Template:Nbt/sprite]]: [[File:Nbtsheet.png]] */
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/* [[Template:InvSprite]]: [[File:InvSprite.png]] */
.slot-sprite {
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/* [[Template:Inventory slot]]: [[File:InvSprite.png]] */
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.invslot-large {
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/* Plain slot with no border or background */
.invslot-plain {
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.invslot-plain::after {
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.invslot-plain > .invslot-item,
.invslot-plain > .invslot-item > a:first-child {
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/* Generic Minecraft interface styling: [[Module:UI]] */
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.mcui-Crafting_Table > *,
.mcui-Furnace > * {
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/* [[Template:Crafting Table]]:
   [[File:Grid layout Arrow (small).png]], [[File:Grid layout Shapeless.png]], [[File:Grid layout Fixed.png]] */
.mcui-Crafting_Table .mcui-row {
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.mcui-Crafting_Table .mcui-shapeless {
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.mcui-Crafting_Table .mcui-fixed {
	background-image: url(;

/* [[Template:Furnace]]:
   [[File:Grid layout Fire.png]], [[File:Grid layout Fire (in-active).png]]
   [[File:Grid layout Furnace Progress.png]], [[File:Grid layout Furnace Progress (in-active).png]] */
.mcui-Furnace .mcui-fuel {
	display: block;
	background: url( no-repeat;
	width: 36px;
	height: 36px;
.mcui-Furnace .mcui-fuel.mcui-inactive {
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.mcui-Furnace > .mcui-arrow {
	background: url( no-repeat;
	width: 44px;
	height: 32px;
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.mcui-Furnace > .mcui-arrow.mcui-inactive {
	background-image: url(;

.mcui-Furnace > .mcui-output {
	margin-top: 28px;

/* [[Template:Brewing Stand]]:
   [[File:Grid layout Brewing Bubbles.gif]], [[File:Grid layout Brewing Bubbles (In-active).png]],
   [[File:Grid layout Brewing Arrow.png]], [[File:Grid layout Brewing Arrow (In-active).png]],
   [[File:Grid layout Brewing Paths.png]], [[File:Grid layout Brewing Empty.png]] */
.mcui-Brewing_Stand > * {
	display: block;

.mcui-Brewing_Stand .invslot {
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.mcui-Brewing_Stand > .mcui-input {
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.mcui-Brewing_Stand > .mcui-input > .invslot {
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.mcui-Brewing_Stand .mcui-bubbling,
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.mcui-Brewing_Stand .mcui-bubbling {
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	background-image: url(;

.mcui-Brewing_Stand .mcui-arrow {
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.mcui-Brewing_Stand > .mcui-input.mcui-inactive > .mcui-arrow {
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.mcui-Brewing_Stand > .mcui-paths {
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	background: url( no-repeat;
	width: 60px;
	height: 40px;
	margin: -20px auto -16px;
	z-index: 1;

.mcui-Brewing_Stand .mcui-output .invslot {
	background-image: url(;
.mcui-Brewing_Stand .mcui-output2 {
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/* [[Template:Hotbar]] */
.mcui-Hotbar {
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.mcui-Hotbar > .mcui-selector {
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.mcui-Hotbar > .mcui-slots {
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.mcui-Hotbar .invslot {
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/* [[Template:Loom]] */
.mcui-Loom > * {
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.mcui-Loom > .mcui-tapestry {
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.mcui-Loom > .mcui-output {
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.mcui-Loom .mcui-inputPattern {
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    position: absolute;
.mcui-Loom .mcui-bannerSprite {
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/* [[Template:Grindstone]] */
.mcui-Grindstone > * {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: top;
.mcui-Grindstone > .mcui-grindstone {
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    width: 108px;
    height: 112px;
.mcui-Grindstone .mcui-input1 {
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    position: absolute;
.mcui-Grindstone .mcui-input2 {
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    position: absolute;
.mcui-Grindstone > .mcui-arrow {
    background: url( no-repeat;
    width: 44px;
    height: 34px;
    margin: 36px 22px 0 22px;
.mcui-Grindstone > .mcui-output {
    margin-top: 34px;

/* [[Template:Stonecutter]] */
.mcui-Stonecutter > * {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: top;
.mcui-Stonecutter > .mcui-stonecutterArrow {
    background: url( no-repeat;
    width: 58px;
    height: 60px;
    margin: 9px 4px 0 4px;
.mcui-Stonecutter > .mcui-output {
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.mcui-Stonecutter > .mcui-input {
    margin-top: 36px;
.mcui-Stonecutter .mcui-stonecutterSprite {
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/* [[Template:Table Choice]] */
.tc-default {
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.tc-always {
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.tc-yes {
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.tc-no {
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.tc-never {
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.tc-neutral {
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.tc-unknown {
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.tc-in-on {
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.tc-out-off {
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.tc-out-on {
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.tc-na {
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/* [[Template:Keys]], [[Module:Keys]] */
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/** Misc stuff **/
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/* Fix treeview overlapping floating content */
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/* Allow setting the text alignment of particular table columns */
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/* Centre lists in custom CE TOC */
.toc.console-toc ul {
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/* Bold text in a table header cell shouldn't get extra bold */
strong {
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/* Styling for minecraft style tooltip */
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.collapsetoggle-inline > * > tr > * > .collapsetoggle,
.collapsetoggle-inline > * > .collapsetoggle,
.collapsetoggle-inline > .collapsetoggle {
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body {
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/* Horizontal list */
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#bodyContent .hlist li {
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#bodyContent .hlist li:not(:last-child) {
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#bodyContent .hlist li > ul li:first-child::before {
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#bodyContent .hlist li > ul li:last-child::after {
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#bodyContent .hlist li li li {
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/* Element animator */
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#bodyContent .animated > *:not(.animated-active),
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#bodyContent div.animated.animated-visible > *,
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/* fix infobox footer centering [[Template:Infobox]] */
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